30 nov 2008

black(enlaces:video acustic)

The world is broken down
every stone are turned around
we feels no fear at all
not at all
we do not know whats to come
our beginning now are ready begun
and now we have to run
come on
the last look back is black
the night you'll stop and hear
when there is no truned back
we're glad so glad
not turned back
not turned back
where have you gone
you make us feel so strong
you lost us and now we are alone
it's dark despite the light
tomorrow not in sight
and we were born to go
on and on
the last look back is black
the night you stop and hear
when there's not turned back
we're glad so glad
no turned back
no turned back
no turned back
let us run and don't look back
we leave behind a burning track
let us run and don't look back
we leave behind a burning track
came on
came on
the last look back is black
the night you stop and heard
when there's not turning back
we're glad so glad
the last look back is black
the night you stop and heard
there's no turning back
we're glad so glad
no turned back
no turned back

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